Managing the SSL Certificate

You can access configuration for the SSL certificate by pressing the "Edit" button in the Gateway manager, available when the protocol is set to HTTPS.

An SSL certificate is an effective way to secure a website against unauthorized interception of data. At its simplest, an SSL Certificate is used to identify the website and encrypt all data flowing to and from the Certificate holder's Web site. This makes all exchanges between the site and its visitors 100 percent private.

  1. There are two ways of creating your own SSL certificate:

    a. Create A self-signed certificate

    b. Use A CA Certificate

  2. Once you already have your certificate files, go to the Thinfinity® Hybrid Cloud Gateway manager "General tab".

  3. Click on the "Edit" button when using HTTPS.

  4. On this screen, inside the "Certificate" menu, you can select the certificates that are located in your Personal folders in Window's certificate folder.

  5. If you need to add your own certificate, you can do so by clicking on the "New" button and then "Import Certificate". Windows Import certificate menu will be displayed. Follow the instructions for adding it to the running system.

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